G'day, I'm Sandra

Coach. Healer. Author.
Cheerleader for your dreams.
Mama of four. Lover to one.
Daughter of the universe.
Queen of my own castle.
Lover of all things beautiful.

I believe women can do anything

You were put on this earth at this time, to shine brightly and make a difference.

I also know that you don’t always feel that way. I get that there are days you feel stuck in a rut. It might be that you’ve lost yourself, you’re not heard, no one understands you, and you just want to stay in bed, or cry, or both.

You often say to yourself “Is this really all there is in life?!”

And here’s the thing, beautiful. There IS more.

You don’t have to feel overwhelmed with all. the. things, yet still underwhelmed with life.

You can be a mama AND follow your passion and make a difference in the world.

You can work in that dream job AND have time for your friends and your passion projects.

You can have that perfect relationship AND not lose your sense of self.

You may not know where to start to find that balance, but I believe with my support, women truly can do anything.

Hey sister, I see you

And I can help you get your SHINE back.

That light you lost before life became busy and dull. Before you started working too many hours - for the boss and the kids. Before you gave up going out with your friends. Before the endless number of nights you lay awake tossing and turning, unable to get a decent sleep before waking at the crack of dawn only to do it all over again the next day. And the next, and the next.

I see you. But not as you see you. 
I see and honor the best version of you. 

There's nothing I love more than witnessing an empowered woman passionately standing in her purpose and living in alignment.

I'll nurture you to not just feel content in your day-to-day, but to find gratitude in the small moments, recognize the limitless beauty around you, and celebrate your achievements every day. 

I can guide you to not only rediscover your own inner light, but to also shine it back to others around you.

Sandra Vaughan is a women's empowerment and holistic coach

Hey sister, I see you

AND I can help you get your SHINE back.

That light you lost before life became busy and dull. Before you started working too many hours - for the boss and the kids. Before you gave up going out with your friends. Before the endless number of nights you lay awake tossing and turning, unable to get a decent sleep before waking at the crack of dawn only to do it all over again the next day. And the next, and the next.

I see you. But not as you see you. I see and honor the best version of you.

There's nothing I love more than witnessing an empowered woman passionately standing in her purpose and living in alignment.

I'll nurture you to not just feel content in your day-to-day, but to find gratitude in the small moments, recognize the limitless beauty around you, and celebrate your achievements every day.

I can guide you to not only rediscover your own inner light, but to also shine it back to others around you.

 "The future's bright baby, you'd better be wearing sunglasses!" 

A legendary friend of mine. RIP Huey.

A snippet of my story...

Once upon a time I had it all - the degree, the job, the husband, the children, the house. To everyone else, my life looked perfect. But to me, I was just getting by, living Groundhog Day, on everyone else's watch.

I hid it well. I even hid it from myself for a really long time. I would spend hours scrolling through inspirational quotes online, but not taking any action.

I kept myself "busy" with the kids and with work - at one point I had four jobs! I worked myself senseless in all areas of my life. Trying to keep up with everyone around me and pretend I was an expert. Trying to prove that I was capable and creative, and that I had any clue about what I was doing. I made excuses for myself and for others I loved. Trying to convince others, and in hindsight trying to convince myself that I was ok and my life was rainbows and unicorns.
After years of telling untruths (to myself and others), having unfulfilling relationships and feeling unworthy, my heart and soul were craving true love, connection and joy. I was weary of wondering “what if…?” and losing myself in self-sabotaging habits in order to escape the mundane of life.

There had to be more to life, surely?!

At my lowest, and when I felt I had no other choice, I took the path less travelled and leaped (not gracefully) into the uncertain territory of single motherhood. With no real plan other than to find my own happiness.

No one could understand why or how I could break up my family home, and I was so sad and confused myself that I failed to explain it. I was drowning.

But with the help of a growing spiritual toolbelt of crystals, reiki and other healing modalities, I found hope.

And in the solitude of those days and nights when my children were with their Dad, I dove deep into my soul, wade through the shadows, and slowly starting paddling my way back to shore. I admit it wasn't easy. It took years. I had to learn to feel safe in vulnerability, and to ask for support.

When I couldn't find it within myself, I borrowed confidence from others who believed in me. Step by step, I found strength, love and respect for myself, that no one will ever take from me again. (You can read more about it in my book)

On solid ground and as I danced my way back to the light, I found joy in the little things again. Once I finally saw the worth in myself, things shifted in the most magical and unexpected of ways.

I salsa’d, mambo’d and rumba’d right into the arms of my soulmate, and now we tango through life as a blended family, with a love as wide as it is deep.

I share this with you because after coming through the other side of where you are, I studied further to become a holistic life coach so I can help women like you do the same. So my wish and commitment to you is simple…

Together we will get you up out of bed, and living each day fully and wholly.
I will hold space for you gently, honestly, and without judgement.
Together we will come up with a step by step plan.
A plan that lights YOU up and has you dancing on the shoreline once more.

CHOOSE your life.
LIVE your life.
LOVE your life.

Namaste, and welcome home.

Sandra xo


Home:  Brisbane, Australia, with my soul mate and four children (16yo young woman, 15yo young man, 10yo boy, plus a bonus 11yo stepson)

Stars:  Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, Capricorn rising

Crystals:  Opal soul, Clear Calcite + Herkimer Diamond + Pyrite life purpose, Starchild Directive 3

Numbers:  Life path 23/5 (with 1111 in my birth date)

16 Personalities:  Protagonist ENFJ-T, although I swing between Mediator INFP-T (both Diplomats)

Human Design:  5/1 Generator


  • Certified Life Coach
  • Co-author, The Rising Sisterhood Book 3
  • Reiki II Practitioner
  • Crystal Reiki Practitioner
  • Advanced Liquid Crystals Practitioner
  • Starchild Directives II Practitioner
  • Red Tent Australia Facilitator
  • Degree in IT (Software Engineering)
  • Product management, project management

Certificates and Affiliates

Ready to work with me?

I'd be honored to chat with you to see if we're a good match for each other. Let's spend 30 minutes together where you can briefly share your story and your goals. During that time I'll offer some quick coaching, share which of my offerings you may like to consider, and you can decide whether you want to take it further. Absolutely zero obligations ('cause who likes those?!).